
At the core of our mission is advocating for the highest standards and ethical practice of public relations and communications management around the world. We believe ethical and strategic practice will make a positive contribution to the profession, our employers and to the communities we serve.

To achieve this, CPRS has adopted a policy to guide the Society’s efforts to advance the professional stature of public relations, monitor its practice for the benefit and protection of the public interest, and serve the public interest by upholding a standard of proficiency and code of professional standards.

The Advocacy and Issues Management policy guides CPRS’s involvement in the public discourse about the practice of ethical public relations and provides a framework within which it may best represent its members and the profession in responding to emerging issues and opportunities.
As part of its regular activities, the Public Relations and Communications Committee has responsibility for implementing the Advocacy and Issues Management Policy. It is guided by the following principles:

Declaration of Principles
The Canadian Public Relations Society strives to:

  • affirm that the obligations of a public trust are inherent in the practice of public relations
  • promote and maintain the highest standards of professional practice and conduct among the membership to ensure public relations remains an honorable profession
  • safeguard good taste and truthfulness in all material prepared for public distribution as well as in all aspects of the public relations practitioner's operations
  • make CPRS membership synonymous with ethical conduct, skill, knowledge and competence in the practice of public relations
  • foster increased attention to public relations as a course of study at post-secondary institutions to further the proficiency, knowledge and training of anyone interested in or currently practicing public relations
  • adhere to the Global Protocol on Ethics in Public Relations of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communications
  • subscribe to the principles of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms