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Programmation en Vedette
More than a meeting – Let’s Talk About the APR® Program and Application!
octobre 25, 2022 , 12 PM EST
Get details about the 2023 APR® program from members of the Accreditation Council and recently-accredi...
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Understand Quebecers: You Are 45 Minutes Away from Succeeding in Quebec
octobre 05, 2022 , 12 PM EST
Un webinaire exclusif sur comment rejoindre les Québécois et réussir au Québec (Seulement disponible e...
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Pourquoi Les Relations Publiques Sont-elles Importantes Aujourd’hui ?
novembre 30, 2021 , 1:00pm EST
Il est plus que temps que les professionnels des relations publiques défendent leur profession et expl...
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More than a meeting – Let’s Talk About the APR® Program and Application!
octobre 25, 2022 , 12 PM EST
Get details about the 2023 APR® program from members of the Accreditation Council and recently-accredited CPRS members.
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Understand Quebecers: You Are 45 Minutes Away from Succeeding in Quebec
octobre 05, 2022 , 12 PM EST
Un webinaire exclusif sur comment rejoindre les Québécois et réussir au Québec (Seulement disponible en anglais)
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Pourquoi Les Relations Publiques Sont-elles Importantes Aujourd’hui ?
novembre 30, 2021 , 1:00pm EST
Il est plus que temps que les professionnels des relations publiques défendent leur profession et expliquent pourquoi les relations publiques sont importantes, voire essentielles, dans toute démocratie moderne. La Cour suprême du Canada le dit. Même le monde des affaires reconnaît maintenant l’importance de travailler avec toutes les parties prenantes. Mais il s’est creusé un énorme fossé de confiance entre nos institutions et le public qui doit être comblé, une mission faite sur mesure pour les relationnistes.
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How to improve our campaigns through evaluation
octobre 12, 2021 , 1:00pm EST
All public relations professionals and communications managers called upon to design or manage communications strategies.
Lessons from Mt. Nimbus: How I Tackled My Biggest Fear and Had the Adventure of a Lifetime by Andrea Lekushoff
octobre 06, 2021 , 1:00pm EST
In this session, Andrea Lekushoff will reflect on her triumphant climb and on what she learned from it that transfers seamlessly to other areas of her life, including her PR work. Sharing lessons about confidence, teamwork, facing fears, proactively making decisions for yourself and more, Andrea will tell the story of the biggest adventure of her life and how it’s changed her as a person and a leader. She may even inspire you to seek out an adventure of your own.
Résultats De L’enquête Canadienne Sur La Diversité Et L’inclusion – Signification Des Données Pour L’avenir De La Scrp Et De L’industrie
juin 16, 2021 , 1:00pm-2:30PM EST
Le 31 mai 2021, la SCRP nationale, conjointement avec l’AIPC, le Conseil canadien des firmes de relations publiques et Leger, publiait les résultats de la première enquête complète sur la diversité et l’inclusion au sein de l’industrie canadienne des relations publiques. Selon ces résultats, alors que la diversité chute rapidement à l’approche du sommet hiérarchique et que les préjugés inconscients demeurent un obstacle sévère, les employeurs en relations publiques font des progrès en matière de création d’environnements inclusifs. Au cours de ce webinaire, nous discuterons des résultats et des prochaines étapes à suivre pour que la SCRP respecte son engagement à rendre la profession des relations publiques au Canada plus inclusive.
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Building our plane while flying it: how BC Housing activated a province-wide response while forming its communications team during the first wave
mai 25, 2021 , 1:00p.m. EST
The BC Housing Communications Branch was just getting its new leadership team in place following a restructure when COVID-19 hit. Within the first few weeks, the team led the communications and engagement strategies for a pandemic response that has been recognized for helping protect some of the provinces. This case study will take you through the lessons learned by BC Housing Communications during the first wave.
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Engaging Employees through Corporate Social Responsibility Programs
février 23, 2021 , 1:00pm EST
The message is clear: people want to work for organizations where they feel they are engaged and learning. This is what inspired Paula Bernardino, MCM, SCMP, CSR-P, to pursue the study “Engaging Employees through Corporate Social Responsibility Programs: Aligning Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Engagement” and examine whether companies that engage in social and environmental stewardship also benefit from employees who are more aware and involved.
CPRS Edmonton presents, Deep Dive on social media analytics and targeting
février 19, 2021 , 2 - 3 p.m. MST
Watch CPRS Edmonton's recent event, in which they discussed best practices regarding the use of social media analytics and targeting methods.
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LGBTQ2S+ Workshop: The path to becoming an authentic ally. Presented by The Milkshake Sisters in partnership with APEX PR
janvier 26, 2021 , 1:00pm EST
The customized workshops includes the following elements: • Definitions in the context of the gender/sexual spectrum •The taboos and challenges of conventional language •Human rights laws • HR protocols • Scenarios • Ally boot camp
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No Exceptions: Making Representation the Rule of Successful Brand Building
novembre 17, 2020 , 1:00pm EST
Digital marketing is a powerful and persuasive branding tactic that reaches millions of young and impressionable consumers each day. However, there remains a lack of diversity in this space that must be addressed to promote an online world that is more reflective of our actual world.
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Coffee Chats
juin 09, 2020 , Ongoing EST
All members are encouraged to join us for CPRS Coffee Chats, a new weekly forum in which to have frank discussions about current issues in our profession and strengthen our community during challenging times.
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Crisis Communication in a Global Pandemic
mars 26, 2020 , 1:00pm EST
Given what we currently know about this public health crisis, what are the major considerations that organizations need to focus on in the coming days/weeks/months?
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Brand Protection - Where Law Meets Public Relations
mars 24, 2020 , 1:00pm NST
In this webinar, you will learn: 1) How lawyers and communicators each see the world 2) Navigating the waters between lawyers and communicators 3) Unifying the approach 4) Steps to success
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CPRS Health Academy Presents: Culturally Safe Communication - It starts with me.
mars 03, 2020 , 1:00pm EST
Health disparities between Indigenous peoples and Canadians is a current and well-documented issue for the health system as a whole. In 2018, the Canadian College of Health Leaders voted Indigenous health the top priority area for health system and policy reform. Culturally unsafe communication at provider and institutional levels continues to negatively impact quality, access, and attachment to healthcare by Indigenous people.
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CPRS Health Academy Presents: Involving patients in the co-design of communication material: case study example from OpenLab
février 12, 2020 , 1:00pm EST
OpenLab is a design and innovation shop dedicated to finding creative solutions that transform the way health care is delivered and experienced. OpenLab brings together patients, clinicians, designers, artists, scientists, engineers and business people to understand health issues from multiple perspectives. Its approach strives to tap into the expressed and unexpressed needs of users to come up with products and services that are effective and a joy to interact with. OpenLab is located at the University Health Network, Canada’s largest research hospital.
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Gender Differences in Communication Styles and their Influence on Workplace Communication and the Practice of Public Relations
janvier 14, 2020 , 1:00pm EST
Webinar participants will also learn about results from a 2018 study that will allow them to reflect on their own communication style and behavior within the workplace: • Performativity in Public Relations • Ageism • Work/Life Balance • Diversity and Intersectionality • Gender Inequality within Leadership
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CPRS Health Academy Presents: Dealing with Bullying and Harassment
décembre 03, 2019 , 1 p.m. EST
Anyone with experience in the front lines of stakeholder engagement recognizes how quickly a well-intentioned planning or information session can go off the rails. All it takes is one or more participants to exert inappropriate dominance – to harass or even bully the facilitator, leader or participants in the room at the expense of everyone’s comfort. This engaging session focuses on understanding the motivations of bullies and harassers, how to regain balance in the room and rebuild group productivity.
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How to develop and apply a Futurist Mindset to Strategic Communications
novembre 12, 2019 , 1:00pm EST
A futurist mindset
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Everyone stepped up: Key lessons for professional communicators in the wake of the Humboldt Broncos tragedy
octobre 21, 2019 , 1 p.m. EST
In April 2018, the tragic Humboldt Broncos bus crash in Saskatchewan shone an unprecedented international media spotlight on Saskatchewan’s health system. During this session, you will learn how the communications unit from the newly formed Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) responded, including key lessons for professional communicators about putting the people you serve first and never forgetting that communications is a critical front-line activity.
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CPRS Health Academy Presents: First Canadian Live-streaming of a Kidney Transplant
octobre 01, 2019 , 1 p.m. EST
Long ago surgery was viewed as a "spectacle" that brought audiences in to learn and observe. Today, Facebook live-streaming presents a new opportunity to bring audiences where they would otherwise never be - in this case, into a real surgery in real time. For St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, it was a method of reaching an unprecedented size of audience to achieve organizational goals that included health education, encouraging live kidney donations, connecting with young audiences in schools and building organizational reputation. But it was not without risk, an enormous amount of planning, and addressing ethical issues. In the end, it was storytelling at its best, which reached a broad audience, attracted national media attention, social media across the globe, and built good will inside and outside of the hospital.
Centennial College presents a PD webinar preview
juillet 29, 2019
Get a sneak peak at our PD webinar series thanks to summaries courtesy of Centennial College's Bachelor of Public Relations Management program.
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Public Relations in the CASL Era
juin 04, 2019 , 1 p.m. EST
Join CyberImpact's Antoine Bonicalzi on June 4, for a discussion about Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).
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Save the Date - Ethics and the Code of Professional Standards
mai 28, 2019 , 1 p.m. EST
Join Eileen Tobey, APR, FCPRS, Humber College's Senior Fellow in Residence for a look at how they are instilling CPRS' values into the next generation of practitioners.
Bridging Public Relations to Social Cohesion
mai 20, 2019
Finding a Higher Social Value that Positions Public Relations & Communications Management for the Regulated Professions
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The Value of Internal Communications in Canada’s Best Places to Work
avril 23, 2019 , 1:00 PM EST
Do organizations view and value internal communications as a strategic method to create relationships with employees? Canada’s Best Places to Work certainly do. This session explores Canada’s Best Places to Work (as awarded by Glassdoor) in two critical areas as it relates to internal communications. #1 – How the companies’ communications/PR functions have been structured to support excellence in PR. And #2 – How their comms/PR teams are using internal communications to create mutually beneficial relationships with employees and provide maximum value to their organizations. The key findings from this presentation should prove valuable to those that want to build and strengthen their internal communications practices to support strong organization-employee relationships, and those that want to align with what Canada’s “best” workplaces are doing to ensure their comms team is structured and operates as a strategic management function.
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CPRS Health Academy presents: How Patient Communities Change Health Care and Advances Science: Mayo Clinic Case Study
avril 02, 2019 , 1:00 PM EST
Patient online communities not only reduce isolation and anxiety when faced with a life-changing diagnosis, they can also improve health outcomes. As Community Director of Mayo Clinic Connect, Colleen Young wanted to do more than connect patients.
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Social Media Research in PR in the Last Ten Years
mars 26, 2019 , 1:00 PM EST
Social media has infiltrated almost every business and industry. Public relations professionals have had to enter the foray and keep up with constant new developments and trends. Researchers have also had a challenge in keeping abreast of trends and carving out streams of inquiry. This presentation examines the past ten years of social media research published in The Journal of PR Research, and PR Review, to establish the status of the field. What has been examined? What does this tell us? What are some possible future directions needing to yet be empirically explored?
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CPRS Health Academy presents: There is no Us and Them. There’s just Us
mars 05, 2019 , 1:00 PM EST
Founded in 1918, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is the most established, most extensive community mental health organization in Canada. Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.
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How to stand out in a noisy market
février 26, 2019 , 1:00 PM EST
It's often said that there’s something magical about public relations in business. A lot of time and resources go into this marketing method, but what is so special about it and why should businesses invest in it? Darian Kovacs, PR mastermind and Managing Partner of the award-winning Jelly Digital Marketing and PR explains how PR can, and will, bring the "WOW" factor to your business.
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Using a stakeholder-communication continuum to inform internal communications and public relations
février 13, 2019 , 1:00 PM EST
Academic scholarship and professional literature have defined communications as existing in two groups: internal and external/public relations. However, there are changing attitudes and perceptions among senior leadership regarding stakeholder identification, publics, and communications. The presenter uses research to propose a continuum of communications which can be used to further refine and inform existing stakeholder identification, relationship management, and communication practices.
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CPRS Health Academy presents: “Do you know if this Code Orange is real?”
février 05, 2019 , 1:00 PM EST
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is Canada’s first and largest trauma hospital. The clinical expertise of its staff, combined with its location in north-east Toronto, put it at the centre of the city’s two largest mass casualty situations in 2018.
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2019 Awards of Excellence Webinar
janvier 29, 2019 , 1:00 PM EST
Join us for an overview of this year's CPRS Awards of Excellence program.
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CPRS Health Academy presents: Creating an award-winning patient podcast: a case study by the Canadian Patient Safety Institute
décembre 04, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
On Dec. 4, join the CPRS Health Academy to hear Dan Costigan, Senior Director, Strategic Communications with the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, provide an inside look at the Institute’s award-winning PATIENT podcast series.
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CPRS Northern Lights presents: The Intersection of Communications and Engagement
novembre 30, 2018 , Noon PST
Have you ever wanted to learn how to encourage participation and effectively engage with the public? Jessica Delaney is the Principal of Strategic Communications and Engagement at Delaney and Associates and has a strong desire to bring people together to get things done. Based in the Vancouver office, Jessica works with the team to develop, implement and report on engagement and communications strategies that focus on building common ground. She works to build social capital for ethical, values-based organizations, and earned her Certified Public Participation Professional (CP3) designation through IAP2 Canada in 2017.
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Pay it Forward as an APR Mentor
novembre 30, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
This session will help you pay it forward by becoming a better APR mentor
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Trolls, Haters and Nasty Posts: How to tone down the trash talk on your city's social media
novembre 20, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
Join Jan Enns and Julie Rogers for a discussion on how to deal with negative attitudes online and to hear their top 10 tips for keeping your social media social.
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Listening Leads to Stronger Communications that Build Better Relationships
novembre 13, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
Learn how ongoing listening to Ontario’s pet owners informed the evolution of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association’s (OVMA) communication strategy. Over the course of three years, earned and social media efforts improved not only the relationship between the association and its pet owner audience, but also strengthened the relationships between OVMA and its members, and more importantly, those between pet owner and vet.
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CPRS Health Academy presents: Creating a citizen-centred health system in Alberta through engagement
novembre 06, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
On Nov. 6, join the CPRS Health Academy to explore how IMAGINE Citizens Collaborating for Health engaged 28 Albertans to learn, analyze and make recommendations about how healthcare is delivered in the province’s communities.
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PR in the Micro-Moment
octobre 23, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
PR has always been about discovery but our primary source was media. And now micro-moments have the potential to transform the way we find news and information. In this interactive and informative webinar, Martin Waxman explores micro-moments and a mobile approach to PR. He explains why we need to look at the world from our audience’s perspective and how to create the kind of multimedia content that both helps and inspires people in the moment.
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CPRS Health Academy presents: A Case Study on Meaningfully Including Patient Voices - Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC)
octobre 02, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) is a federally funded, not-for-profit organization working to accelerate action on cancer control in Canada. In 2017 and 2018, the Partnership developed and released three reports in the Person-Centred Perspective series. The communications campaign supporting the release of the three-part Person-Centred Perspective report series was the recipient of a CPRS National Silver Award of Excellence for Canadian Health Campaign of the Year as well as an IABC Toronto Ovation Award of Merit for Media Relations.
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Patient Confidential: Social Media Use by Healthcare Professionals
septembre 25, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
The rise of social media has corresponded with an explosion in use by healthcare professionals: from online forums and clinical discussions groups to health-care conference ‘tweetups’, social media is being embraced by nurses and naturopaths, dentists and doctors. This hyper-connectedness has a downside, however, as the mixing of public and private lives begins blurring traditional boundaries, leading to violations of patient confidentiality on social media.
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CAE's 70th Anniversary Campaign
septembre 24, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
How do you bring together more than 8,500 employees in 160 sites, from 35 countries and on five continents? Employees from different cultures, with different strengths (services, engineering, manufacturing, sales, etc.) and working in different markets? For the Global Communications team, CAE’s 70th anniversary was the perfect occasion. We had an ambitious strategy to do special celebrations that would last one whole year, with key events throughout, and to engage our people around the world - even though our small communications team is based in Montreal. During this webinar, we will share how we were able to leverage our 70th anniversary to increase our employees’ sense of pride and belonging.
The Global Generally Accepted Practices (GAP) VIII study
mai 10, 2018 , N/A EST
The Canadian Public Relations Society, the Communications + Public Relations Foundation and Mount Saint Vincent University partnered to conduct the first Canadian survey of Generally Accepted Practices in Public Relations.
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CPRS Health Academy presents: Route NHS
mai 01, 2018 , 1:00 PM EST
Route NHS was transformational in terms of staff and leadership engagement, accountability, knowledge transfer, communications and preparedness for accreditation. The initiative incorporated visual cues and gamification to facilitate two-way, face-to-face communication between managers and staff, maximize engagement and education.
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CPRS Health Academy presents: 15 Years of Care
avril 03, 2018 , 2PM EST
Corporate anniversaries are boring, soul-sucking endeavours. But they don’t have to be. When Vancouver Coastal Health’s Corporate Communications team was recently tasked with marking the organization’s 15 years of operation
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The Promise of Practical Communications in Managing Change and Delivering Value
février 20, 2018 , 2PM EST
In this session, Gene Nichols of Lean Out Communications discusses five practical techniques to enable successful and sustainable change through practical communication. The word “practical” is key,
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The Future of CPRS - Pre-Launch Webinar
janvier 09, 2018 , 2PM EST
The Future of CPRS Committee launched a consultation process to gain further public relations and communications industry input on a new proposed Strategic Framework for CPRS. The Framework was based on the results of a previous survey
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What Gets Measured, Gets Managed
octobre 27, 2017 , 2PM EST
This webinar, hosted by CPRS Northern Lights, provides an orientation on how to use Google Analytics to showcase the results of your marketing and communication efforts. It seeks to establish a consistent model for tracking inbound digital activities
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Building Trust with a New Government
octobre 24, 2017 , 2PM EST
This presentation features Heather Young, Communications Director for Mitacs, sharing details of Building Trust with a New Governement; Mitacs'
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Writing Engaging Content
octobre 16, 2017 , 12:00PM EST
Join CPRS Northern Lights for a Lunch and Learn Session, live from the Regional
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Snow Day: What Vancouver learned during its one-in-30-year winter event
août 22, 2017 , 2PM EST
Join us for our ‘coolest’ webinar yet. Amanda McCuaig, APR, Communications Manager (Engineering) at the City of Vancouver, and her colleague Gail Pickard
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Tell Me a Story
mai 09, 2017 , 2PM EST
This webinar is meant to entertain, educate, and inspire you to tell better stories. Or, tell your story – better.
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Notley and the Beast: An Analysis of the Crisis Communications of Rachel Notley During the 2016 Wildfires
avril 25, 2017 , 1PM EST
May 1, 2017 marks the first anniversary of the start of the devastating Fort McMurray wildfire known as “the Beast”. The Government of Alberta and the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo are generally given high marks for the way they managed this crisis situation.
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The 30-Minute Makeover: A Writing Refresher for Branded Articles
avril 18, 2017 , 1PM EST
Welcome to the 30-Minute Makeover, a webinar designed to make your branded articles much easier to write. The first 15 minutes zoom in on a short-list of essentials needed in every article, including “do & don‘t” quick tips on tone, trust-building, helpfulness, and top-to-bottom engagement – plus an easy way to remember those tips!
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The CPRS professional liability insurance program and you!
décembre 15, 2016 , 2PM EST
Viewers of this webinar will gain awareness of the types of risks faced by PR and communication professionals and how liability insurance protection plays an essential role in the strength and vitality of a business.
Surviving to thriving: How pioneering PR women achieved success on their own terms
novembre 16, 2016 , 2PM EST
During this webinar, researchers Virginia McKendry and Julia Jahansoozi of Royal Roads University discuss their preliminary study of how various pioneering women in PR were able to overcome obstacles and achieve success in a male dominated industry.
R.A.C.E. and the Fort McMurray Crisis
septembre 26, 2016 , 2PM EST
The RACE formula - research, analysis, communication & evaluation - has been the foundation of strategic communications since John Marston published it in 1963 in The Nature of Public Relations.
Demand a Plan
août 30, 2016 , 2PM EST
In 2015, Sussex Adrenaline partnered with the Canadian Medical Association to make seniors’ care a critical ballot box issue during the federal election. With the help of nearly 30,000 Canadians, this award-winning campaign increased awareness of seniors’ issues
The Power of Magnetism: How to Create Profound Connections between an Organization and its Tribe
juillet 26, 2016 , 2PM EST
This topic was previously presented by Hugh MacPhie at the 2016 World Public Relations Forum, in Toronto, ON, as part of its three-day program focused on the value and importance of Communication Across Cultures.
A visual roadmap to success: An analysis of the two-way communication in the social media space
mai 10, 2016 , 2PM EST
Originally presented as a research session at the 2015 CPRS National Conference in Montreal, this updated presentation will provide an overview of a new and innovative method of measuring the direction and flow of communication within social media.
Shift Happens...Through Effective Engagement
avril 19, 2016 , 2PM EST
Changing times dictate changing approaches to communication, and its twin, community engagement. To be effective change managers, we must engage all stakeholders in a process of empowerment.
Game On! Make your mission possible
février 09, 2016 , 2PM EST
Who doesn't like a good game? Harnessing the power of gamification, Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) in Barrie, Ontario developed a colourful and interactive board game to engage staff and embed its vision, mission and values.
Back-to-School With Walmart
janvier 12, 2016 , 2PM EST
In order to cut through the clutter of parents being bombarded by retailers about back-to-school necessities, Walmart focused on providing time-saving
True North – Picturing the Possibilities
décembre 18, 2015 , 2PM EST
Laurie Dawkins from Vancouver Coastal Health will speak about the power of engaging middle managers to create cultural change. Learn how Vancouver Coastal Health engaged 16,000-plus directors
Social purpose, business value: The global trends that are transforming PR
novembre 24, 2015 , 2PM EST
While most leaders agree that public relations and communication are essential to organizational success, there remain many different views about what PR is
2015 - The Significance Of Communications In Business Success
juin 02, 2015
David McLean, Leadership Expert and Entrepreneur
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Employment Standards in Ontario
novembre 06, 2014 , 12 - 1 p.m. EST
Did you know that the fact a person is called an "intern" does not determine whether or not the protections of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) apply and whether the internship should be paid or unpaid?
mai 27, 2014
Gabe Zichermann - Chair, GSummit New York, New York Presented in Banff, Alberta May 27, 2014
The History of PR in Canada: is it important to "Canadianize" what we teach?
mars 27, 2014 , N/A EST
This discussion looked at the history of PR in terms of what is currently taught in PR programs in Canada, which is primarily American-based
The Melbourne Mandate
novembre 27, 2013 , N/A EST
The Melbourne Mandate offers PR educators an innovative approach to classroom discussions on public relations theory and practice.
juin 10, 2013
Terry Fallis Public relations practitioner, author and founder of Thornley Fallis Communications June 10, 2013, Gatineau, Quebec
juin 12, 2012
Lindsay Gordon President & CEO, HSBC Bank Canada June 12, 2012, Victoria, British Columbia
juin 07, 2011
Eric Young, Founder and President, E-Y-E | The Social Projects Studio. June 7, 2011, Saint John, New Brunswick
juin 15, 2010
Sheila Bird, Executive Director, Public Affairs, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). June 15, 2010, Regina, SK
juin 08, 2009
Courtney Pratt, Chair and CEO, Toronto Region Research Alliance. June 8, 2009, Vancouver, BC
juin 09, 2008
Leonard Brody, Chief Executive, NowPublic. June 9, 2008, Halifax, Nova Scotia
juin 14, 2007
Jim Hoggan, APR President, Hoggan and Associates. June 14, 2007, Edmonton, AB
juin 12, 2006
Chantal Hebert, Political Columnist. June 13, 2006, Niagara Falls, ON
juin 16, 2005
Presented by Bennett Freeman, Global Corporate Responsibility, Burson-Marsteller. June 16, 2005, Calgary, AB
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novembre 20, 2000 , 1:00 PM EST
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Archived Webinars